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09.02.04 - 11:25 p.m.

Liberty: The state of being exempt from the domination of others or from restricting circumstances.

Conservative: Adhering to and tending to perserve the existing order of things; opposed to change or progress.

Liberal: Free from narrowness, bigotry, or bondage to autority or creed, as in religion; inclined to democratic or republican ideas, as opposed to monarchial or aristocratic, as in politics; broad; popular; progressive.

I watched George W present his acceptance speech to the Republian National Committee. It was a good speech, not that Georgey should take a whole lot of the credit for it. I am assuming his speach writers are paid to speaches. Manipulating an audience with verbal fireworks isn't all that difficult. Have you ever watched a World Wrestling Match...very simliar crowd rallying techniques.

He is a real likeable guy...if you were in his crowd. You know, not the person that got the wedgie, but hangin' with the boneheads who gave them. I see George as being a kick ass wedgie giver. Take that Saddam! rrrrriiiiippppp!

I remember the other night, during MSNBCs late night coverage of the RNC, Ron Reagan said so many people talk of Bush as this great guy to have a beer with, but when is this beer night with the president ever gonna happen? Never. You shouldn't vote for someone just because he knows what tackle to use for Blue Gill or knows the best camoflauge to wear to kill a wild boar, or cause he'd be great to have a beer with.

He talked a bit about his plans for health care reform, something about a health care savings account employees can decide to take out to save up for routine health visits. If saving up for our next visit was really the problem we wouldn't need health coverage in the first place. And besides we have a system set up for saving for's called a savings account. I didn't quite get it, but I'm sure it's a wonderful little plan bound nicely in a GoArmy.Com trapper keeper.

He spoke extensively on the allusive war on terror. Hmmmmm Terror: That which or one who causes extreme fear. Don't forget, afraid.

He metioned every morning when he wakes up he thinks of ways to protect the country. Now, I appreciate him wanting to protect us, but don't you think after awhile you would go a little crazy always thinking of fending off "that which causes extreme fear...?"

Bush may have difficulties with the English language at times, but he proved tonight to almost be fluent in Latin-speak when he said, "Leave no child behind," in Spanish. More like "leave no demographic behind."

He did mention "the Bureaucrats in Washington," (bureaucrat: an official who is rigidly devoted to the details of administrative procedure.) Am I wrong, or doesn't the President also live in Washington...or was he talking about Washington State?

Bush said he was pleased so many Americans are able to buy homes. Note "buy" homes...these people aren't paying off their homes, they are just able to get financing. I would be happier if these people were able to afford these homes instead of later depending on using the house to mortgage when they are laid off.

He mentioned a welfare system that will "strengthen family and require work." Work? or hoops to jump through and massive amounts of paper work and dealing with people who think you are scum of the earth. How about some real skills, teach people how to shop, how to interview, how to DO something. And while your at it, throw in some of that Government Cheese. Bring back gov'ment cheese!

"Make a place for the unborn child", he said...they take up such little space... Until I see more pro-life people adopting unwanted grown fetuses I don't want to hear them bitching about the abortion. Why is it always some old white guy preaching about what a woman should do, but speaking from the perspective of, "it's about the baby..."

He talked about Religious charities. And the fact religion is being brought up in political parties as much as it is just sickens me. If they want a role to play in the political process, or the politician want to use them to get votes from a congregation then, damnit they should pay taxes.

Bush said we need to stay on the offensive, striking out abroad so we don't have to face them at home. Why should other countries be a place of our battles, especially if we are on the offensive? Why should their civilians be the ones listed as casualties to some war, a war on terror, which in our history as no true beginning or ending, as far as I can see.

I suppose if we fight our wars in the Middle East we can use the excuse "Guilty by association," it has worked on several other occasions when justifying our actions.

With all the talk on terror and attempts, albeit good ones, at attaching 9-11 and the emotions it stirs to the war in Iraq, there was no mention of Bin Laden or the Al Quaida. Is he no longer a target? Is he not one who once instilled great terror?

To me, its a bit scary to think we are in charge of keeping the world safe. I can understand keeping our borders free from terrorist activity...but the world? Sometimes, I feel like he thinks he's some sort of ordained Super Hero.

It is in the blood of America to spread and conquer, or bring them to democracy and liberty, as we like to say. Bush made it clear he sees this as the future of America, "The story of America is expanding liberty, expand the fronteirs of Freedom."

If it truly is about "being exempt from the domination of others or from restricting circumstances..." then how can there be an argument against gay marriages. And can the Patriot act be winning points for Liberty and Freedom? I do appreciate Bush letting America know his stance on the gay marriage debate, or actually as they put it now, "stopping activist judges..." Kerry didn't touch the topic, and I wish he would have.

I need to wrap this up...I'm tired. I listened to what Bush had to say, and I think I'm going to go with the unknown. Bush just scares me, and I don't agree with is image of America. I don't see America as this giant hyperdermic needle injecting doses of liberty into the hearts of 'hedonistic,' terror-enabling countries. I see it as a leader by example, protecting it's borders, sure, but not offensively attacking within the neighborhoods of foreign countries to keep the battles off home soil.

We can be a leader in the world not just by forcefully spreading liberty as if it were a cultural and economical virus, but also by being a beacon of hope to the world so that people in countries less fortunate can rise up, as people do, and when they ask for help to build their first malls we can be there to help them with that, too.

Careful world, Freedom is on the march.

Imperialism - The policy of extending a nation's authority by territorial acquisition or by the establishment of economic and political hegemony over other nations.


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